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Manufactured in Manchester UK, Atom Scientific offers a comprehensive range of Special Stains and reagents for all disciplines of life sciences.

All products are certified for diagnostic use under IVDR, and within the UK are IVDD registered.

They retain their CE mark outside of UK under IVDR and hold the UKCA mark within the UK.

These exacting quality standards to which Atom are one of the few UK manufacturers in full compliance means we can play a part in our laboratory customers’ own compliance with quality management systems, such as ISO15189 for quality and competence in medical laboratories.



Acid Alcohol 0.1%
Acid Alcohol 0.25%
Acid Alcohol 0.3%
Acid Alcohol 0.5%
Acid Alcohol 1%
Acid Alcohol 3%


Eosin Y (0.2% alcoholic)
Eosin Y (0.2% Aqueous)
Eosin Y (0.5% Alcoholic)
Eosin Y (0.5% Aqueous)
Eosin Y (1% Alcoholic)
Eosin Y (1% Aqueous)
Eosin Y (2% Aqueous)
Eosin Y with Phloxine


Haemalum Mayer
Haematoxylin Gill (Formula I)
Haematoxylin Gill (Formula II)
Haematoxylin Gill (Formula III)
Haematoxylin Harris
Haematoxylin Harris Acidified


Indian Ink


Phosphomolybdic Acid 1% Solution


Scotts Tap Water Plus (Ready to Use)
Scotts Tap Water Substitute (10 x Concentrate)
Scotts Tap Water Substitute Ready to use